The world of online classifieds has a wild side that is both exciting and tricky. To become a craigslist post is to have a superpower of the digital age. This journey will be filled with sparkling insights that shine like stars in the clear night sky. You’ll gain the ability to easily sell anything you want, from lizards to lamps. Related site?
First of all, the headline. Imagine the headline is your bait, and that the fish are very savvies. Craft titles with a message that says, “You should click me!” For instance, “Vintage-Oak Desk–For Wizards and Authors Alike!” Instead of saying “Wooden Desks on Sale.” What you sell is not as important to draw customers as how you present the product.
Next, we’ll get into the content. Keep the tone engaging, like you’re having a chat with your friend over coffee. Descript the item in vivid details, including color, history, quirks and more. You can add humor to your description or tell a story about yourself. This will make the potential buyer smile. They should get the feeling that they’re not only buying an object, but a story.
Photos! Visuals need to be the star of your show. Your story will not be successful if you use dim lighting, cluttered backgrounds and poor quality images. Shoot your items in natural sunlight, at different angles. Remember that one photo is worth a 1000 clicks or so.
Let’s move on to the price. Tagging the right number requires more art than scientific knowledge. A number that is too high will make your ad look dirty; one that is too low will make people suspect you of something. You can check similar listings. But, trust your gut. Open yourself up to negotiations, and keep your cool when you’re haggling.
Posting at the right time is essential. Post when eyes are scrolling–lunchtimes, evenings, weekends are prime. Repost if your item has been sitting for a while. By keeping your posts active, you can stay in cyberspace’s minds.