This journey from the humble beginnings of prison locks to their high-tech marvels today, is a tale of adaptation, innovation and resilience. Steel Cell has presented this investigation into the evolution and changes in prison lock systems – get more info!
Initially, the prison lock was a mechanical device. The heavy-metal locks required large keys to operate. The locks had limitations, despite being sturdy and almost tamperproof. It was difficult to manage keys – a lost key could have a serious impact on the facility’s safety. These mechanical lock systems did not have the capacity to record or monitor any access.
Introduction of electronic locking system marked first major development in prison security. This system, which uses keypads or magnet card readers to operate, has brought an entirely new level of sophistication and security to prison locks. Electronic locks have reduced risks that come with using physical keys. This has also allowed access points to be monitored and controlled better. They still used external devices such as codes or cards, which were susceptible to being lost, stolen or shared.
This breakthrough was brought by biometrics. The biometrics used by modern prison locking systems, such as the fingerprint and retinal scans for authentication, are very common. This change to unique identifiers improved security significantly, eliminating virtually all risks that come with losing or sharing access tools. Biometrics was also an effective way to monitor and log access.
Smart locks have become the new frontier of technology in prison security. These smart locks offer control and monitor capabilities that are unmatched. The locks are controlled remotely and can change the access or lockdown with just a few clicks. Smart locks can also integrate into wider security systems and provide a holistic overview of security.