A high-quality program for preschools and childcare understands the unique ways in which young children learn and develop. And they plan space, time, and activities so that they are in line with children’s emotional, cognitive and physical abilities. Discover more?
The “real-time” teaching of social skills and self-control to young children is a great way for them to learn. Teachers who care about their students’ learning make time to teach them through experience. Three and four year olds are able to learn by doing. Children’s problems are not resolved by teachers automatically. They know when they should let the children resolve their conflicts and when they should intervene. The teachers encourage the child to be aware of how their aggressive or hurtful actions affect other children.
Teachers will appeal to a child’s desire for “real work,” by giving them the opportunity to help in the class. They can set the table or feed the classroom hamster, as an example. Before snack time begins, children are expected to wash hands and place their belongings in a “cubby.” They also have to put toys away when they change activities.
The language skills of pre-schoolers are developed in an environment that is “rich in languages”. In the age range of 3 to 5, a child’s vocabulary will grow from 900-2,500 words and her sentences will become longer and complex. Teachers help children develop their language skills without dominating a discussion by asking thought-provoking and interesting questions. This can be done during science, art or snack times. The children have plenty of opportunities to sing along, discuss favorite read-alouds, and act out storylines.
Children’s cognitive skills can be strengthened through a variety hands-on exercises that encourage them to ask questions, explore their ideas or solve problems. Teachers can create learning activities by using children’s interests or ideas. This will help to foster their curiosity. A simple event, like a kid finding a snail on the playground, can be transformed into an opportunity to learn.
Preschoolers have active imaginations. They learn through pretend play. Teachers know that a child’s perception of reality can be blurred. Often, this leads to fear of monsters living under the beds. But imagination can be used to fuel learning. In a preschool of high quality, there are many costumes, “props” and household items in child size, including stoves. sinks and cabinets. In this area of play, children can move from solitary activities to interactive play with a partner or a group.
The pre-math, pre-literacy and preliteracy skills of young children are gaining in popularity. To help children prepare for the academic demands in kindergarten, teachers provide a variety games and activities which will help them acquire pre-math or literacy skills.
Involving children in a discussion of an exciting story read aloud will improve their language abilities, including listening comprehension, and expression. The magnetic alphabet letters can inspire a child’s desire to ask the teacher to write her first letter.